Hola! Today I write to you from Managua, the capitol city of Nicaragua. My daughter, Caitlin (resident of Nicaragua for 4 1/2 yrs) and I just returned from an on-site visit of San Juan del Sur Biblioteca, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing library services to rural areas primarily in Nicaragua & Costa Rica. We met the director and founder, Jane Mirandette, who gave us a tour of the base library and a history of the organization. You will find an article about Biblioteca in the recent article of Colorado Libraries. Here is the link: http://www.coloradolibrariesjournal.org/?q=ejournal/show/1/_/3
In this article you will learn more about the popular trend of "voluntourism" where a vacationer can travel to a foreign destination with a goal of volunteering to share skills and knowledge to help the locals.
Tomorrow Caitlin and I will visit a farm ("finca")owned by our friend, Omar.